
   Chocolate's Sugar & Bad Health

Sugar: a 'drug' that makes chocolate unsafe

Chocolate: as unhealthy to consumers as sugary sodas?

Type "sugar and toxic" into Google, and you get over 30 million hits. As added sugar is increasingly viewed by consumers as "toxic", and many chocolates are about 50% added sugar, is/will chocolate be increasingly viewed by consumers as "toxic" (a thought so scary to Hershey that they bought a beef-jerky company for protection)?

As the following tables show, the main reason why chocolate is not a functional food, is not a medical product, is not something consumers eat lots of every day - is one simple reason - chocolate is polluted with too much sugar, and much fat. Yeah, the sugar gets rid of the bitterness, but at what cost to the health of your body? And at what cost to your corporate profits, as you lose consumers, and when you get sued for hurting consumers?

"Safe Chocolate"™ Index

Not only is KukaXoco developing low-fat, sugar-free chocolates (and even prototyping a fat-free, sweetener-free chocolate cream and chocolate milk), but also we are offering consumers a new rating - the "Safe Chocolate"™ Index - to help them purchase the most beneficial chocolates for their health. Some of the criteria to qualify for the "Safe Chocolate"™ Index include:

Soda Companies Sued for Sugar Use - Chocolate Companies Next?

In January 2017, the Coca-Cola Company and the American Beverage Association were sued in California state courts by two public health groups for hurting and deceiving consumers with the added sugar in their "unsafe" beverage products. This should be a huge worry to the chocolate industry, because to the extent that Coca-Cola is found to have hurt consumers and must pay damages, the chocolate industry can be argued to be half as guilty (and pay half as much in damages). Keep in mind that while a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola has 39 grams of sugar, a Hershey Chocolate Bar has 27 grams of sugar. Lawsuit complaint at: www.kukaxoco.org/DOCUMENTS/CocaColaSuedJan2017.pdf. Here is one allegation from the CocaCola lawsuit, with some "chocolate" insertions. Is the allegation any less threatening to the chocolate industry?

144. As alleged herein, Coca-Cola's [or Cadbury's/Nestle's/Hershey's] advertising and both Defendants' promotion of sugar-sweetened beverages [or chocolates] creates the impression that their consumption is not linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, that it can be "balanced" with activity so as to be healthful, and that it provides "essential" and healthful hydration [or nutrition]. Defendants failed to disclose in their promotion and advertising campaigns that scientific consensus about sugar-sweetened beverages [or chocolates] is to the contrary of each of these [defendants'] claims when they had a duty to make such disclosure.

133. By virtue of their affirmative misconduct, Coca-Cola [or Cadbury's/Nestle's/Hershey's] had a duty to disclose that the scientific consensus is that: a) sugar-sweetened beverages [or chocolates] are linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease; b) activity does not “balance” away, or negate, the link between sugar-sweetened beverages [or chocolates] and obesity-related chronic diseases; and c) hydration with sugar-sweetened beverages [or chocolate milks] is not healthful or ”essential” to the human body. They also had a duty to disclose all other material facts about the potential health hazards of sugar-sweetened beverage [or chocolate] consumption of which they had notice.
This 2017 lawsuit and sugar-taxes against the beverage industry were predicted in the following 2013 law review article:
From the paper, "If Sugar is Addictive .. What Does It Mean for the Law?", available at: www.aslme.org/media/downloadable/files/links/j/l/jlme-41_1-gearhardt-supp.pdf. We quote: "LEGAL TOOLS: Regulatory tools and approaches are diverse and include labeling (disclosure and warning), advertising restrictions, taxes (special excise duties, value-added taxes and sales taxes), product bans or restrictions, litigation (especially class action litigation), self-regulation, a reduction of farm subsidies and sugar programs, and the development of education programs."
Is this law review article also a predictor for lawsuits and sugar-taxes against the chocolate industry? Why not? In August 2017, Nestle was sued in U.S. Federal Courts, a 325-page complaint for not using "spring water" in its "Poland Spring Water". What might not be in Nestle's chocolate products, or what unsafe, for yet another lawsuit? Article on lawsuit at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-19/colossal-fraud-against-consumers-lawsuit-accuses-poland-spring-selling-groundwater.

And not just lawsuits for damages. There are lawsuits or petitions that open the door wider to damages lawsuits. A 2015 law review article suggests another threat to the chocolate industry:
From the paper, "Should the Food and Drug Administration revode added sugar's GRAS status?", which recommends: "FDA should issue a Federal Registrer notice finding that added sugar is not GRAS, because the probable consumption of added sugar is three to five times higher than experts recommend: research has found that added sugar is a chronic toxin having a cumulative effect on one health's; and experts no longer generally recognize added sugar as safe due to its immediate and long-term adverse health effects." Article available at: www.kukaxoco.org/DOCUMENTS/SugarGRAS-FDA2015.pdf.

Recommended Daily Value (DV) / Reference Intake (RI)

The right hand column below is the percentage of the recommended daily amount of added sugar present in a typical serving of the corresponding chocolate product. For the chocolate products below, serving sizes have been scaled to be about 42 grams - the weight of the standard chocolate bar.

There are at least three recommendations for added sugar. In February 2017, the American Heart Association (AHA) published a recommendation that the average daily consumption of added sugar for women should be 25 grams, while the average daily consumption for men should be 33 grams (AHA Added Sugar). The National Health Service (UK) recommends no more than 30 grams of added sugar ("free sugars") a day for adults ( UK NHS Free Sugar). The Food and Drug Administration, and the World Health Organization, recommend no more than 10 percent of your daily calories be from added sugar, about 50 grams, a higher limit influenced by industry pressure.

For the table below, we assume a recommended daily amount of added sugar to be 33 grams (between the AHA's 25 and 33, and just above the NHS' 30). This way, if consumers know the amount of sugar in a serving, say 25 grams, they can quickly determine the percentage by multiplying by 3.

Fruit juices. Keep in mind that too many people have been fooled into thinking that a class of orange/apple/grape juice a day is a healthy thing. For the most part, they are not healthy. People don't need their vitamins, and there is little fiber in processed fruit juices. But there is a lot of sugar, from 30+ grams in orange juice, 40+ grams in apple juice and 50+ grams in grape juice (assuming a 12-ounce breakfast glass).

A glass of orange juice a day, and one chocolate bar a day, every day, is over 200% of the total added sugar recommended every day (and that ignores all of the other added sugars in your food).


The Unsafest/Unhealthiest Chocolates:
    (> 88% SUGAR AND FAT)

Chocolate brand Serving
Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
of DV/RI for
Added Sugar
Ana Tereza Chocolate ao Leite (Br) 42 13.7 25.2 92% 75%  
Arcor Chocolate Blanco (Ar) 40 11.8 24 89.5% 72%  
Arcor Chocolate con Leche (Ar) 40 11.37 24 88.4% 72%  
Bayard Milk 40  5 31 90% 93%  
Bell's Crema de Avellana
(German-made, Peru brand)
40 14.52 21.5 90% 64%  
Bell's Chocomax
(Uruguay-made, Peru brand)
40 0.8 34.4 88% 103%  
Blanxart 42% (Es) 42 18.2 21 93% 63%  
ChocoVida (Pe) 40 1.6 35.2 92% 105%  
Sol del Cuzco Instant (Pe) 40  2 28.8 77% 86%  
Divella Hazelnut Spread (It) 40 11.6 23 87% 69%  
Ferrero's Nutella (It) 100 13
(eco-bad/heart-bad palm oil)
22.6 %
$2 billion sales/yr
(worst by volume)
Garato Ao Leite (Br) 37 12 21 89% 63%  
Garato Branco (Br) 37 12 21 89% 63%  
Gloria Chicolac Powder (Bo) 42 0.55 37.5 90.6% 111%  
Green & Black's Organic White 42 16.17 21.42 89.5%
(unhealthy cancels organic)
Heart Industries Fine Milk (Ca) 40 11.2 24 88% 72%  
Buckingham Palace Fudge (UK) 42 30.2 10.5 97% 31%  
Ghiradelli Dark Melting Wafers 41 15 24 95% 72%  
Godiva White (Be) 43 17 24 95% 72%  
Hershey's Heath Toffee Bar 39 13 24 95% 72%  
Necco Chocolate Wafers 42 0 40.5 96%
Tutto Chocolate Blanco (CR) 40 14 24 95% 72%  
Wesenia Haselnuss Creme (De) 40 14 23.84 95% 71%  
With Love's Chocolate "Bandaids" 40 14 27 103%
(worst & idiots)
Bassett's Mint Imperials 42 1.3 40.95 100.6%
(no cacao, but idiots)
Kate Kearney's Irisk Milk 42 13.86 23.52 89% 71%  
Kopenhagen Leite (Br) 42 15.45 21.84 89% 65%  
Lindt Lindor Irresistibly Smooth (Ch) 40 18 18 90% 54%  
Madisa Chocolike Powder (Bo) 40 0.8 33.6 86% 67%  
Mars Galaxy Smooth 42 13.6 23.27 88% 70%  
Mars Magic Stars 100 14.57 22.51 88.3% 67%  
Mondelez Cadbury Chocolate Spread 40 15.2 21.2 91% 63%  
Mondelez Toblerone 42 25.45 12.73 91% 38%  
Mondelez Milka Milk Chocolate 40 12 24 90% 72%  
Mondelez Milka White 42 12 26 90% 78%  
Mondelez Terry's Orange Chocolate 42 11.76 25.62 89% 77%  
Nestle Aero 40 12 24 90% 72%  
Nestle Milkybar White Chocolate 42 13.27 24.06 89% 72%  
Nestle Yorkie Original 42 12.81 24.65 89.2% 74%  
Natra's Chocoramo (Ca)
(Colombia branded)
42 15.4 22.4 90% 67%  
Neugebauer Ao Leite (Br) 39 12 24 92% 72%  
Nocilla (Idilia, Spain) 40 12.8 22.4 88% 67%  
Original Chocolate - Tesco (UK) 40 14 23.6 94% 71%  
Palmer Milk "Santa Claus" 41 12 26 93%
(uses alkali)
Pepsico Toddy Chocolate Powder (Br) 40 0 36 90% 108%  
Schogetten Milk (De) 42 14.78 23.52 91% 70%  
Starbucks Peppermint (w Dark Chocolate) (US) 42 10.84 28.45 90% 85%  
Tootsie Roll's Junior Mints (US) 42 3.23 33.92
(uses alkali)
88% 101%  
Torras Chocolate con Leche (Sp) 100   34 6
49 polyols
Triunfo Chocolate de Leche (Co) 42   12 25.5 89% 76%  
Wacky Woollies Milk 42 13.7 23.69 89% 71%  
Winter's Chocolate Para Taza (Pe) 42 11.66 25.66 89% 77%  
       and as coca leaf traitors:  
Republica del Cacao
Coca Leaf & 62% Dark Chocolate
40 19.2 16 88% 48%  

Los Peores Chocolates Insalubres ( > 88% Azúcar y Grasa).   Si la posesión de 10 a 20 gramos de cocaína es un delito con privación de libertad en los Estados Unidos, y si la producción, venta y distribución de kilogramos de cocaína es tráfico de drogas que está castigado con décadas de prisión, deberían ser detenidos los consumidores de 10 a 20 gramos de estos productos de chocolate por posesión de drogas y deberían estos fabricantes de chocolate ser cerrados por los gobiernos debido al tráfico de drogas (y sus ejecutivos encarcelados), si, como discutiremos a continuación, el azúcar añadido es tan adictivo y médicamente tan inútil como la cocaína? ¿Es abuso de menores permitir que un niño (con sobrepeso) que consumen de cualquiera de estos productos, especialmente aquellos que son del 85% al 95% de azúcar y grasa, si el azúcar añadido es tan adictivo y médicamente tan inútil como la cocaína? Si el azúcar añadido es más adictivo que la marihuana, y médicamente tan inútil, ¿debe ser el azúcar una droga de Clase I bajo las normas de la DEA de los EE.UU.?

And what happens to your brain when you consume too much added sugar in these chocolates? ¿Y qué le pasa a su cerebro cuando se consume demasiado azúcar añadido en estos chocolates?

Cocaine & Sugar

And what happens to world health when too much sugar and fat is consumed in all foods, not just these chocolates?

Diabetes & Death Diabetes & Death

Lying Chocolates (poisoned with Fructose)

As sugar is increasingly realized as an addictive toxin, food producers are looking to alternatives such as artificial sweeteners (which have their own problems). One idiotic, dangerous group of such food producers can be found in South America, where they advertise "sugar-free / libre de azúcar" chocolates using ... FRUCTOSE. Not only is fructose a sugar (table sugar, sucrose, is 50% glucose and 50% fructose), but fructose is much more destructive to the body than glucose (fructose causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) because no cellular processes use fructose - the body can't process it, so it flows through the blood into the liver where it is converted into fat. So not only are such products life-threatening for diabetics, deceived by these "sugar-free / libre de azúcar" labels on chocolate products, they are harmful to the population as a whole. All of these criminal chocolates must be removed from the marketplace.

In 2015, medical researchers reported that long-term, global consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (lead by the sodas such as CocaCola which heavily use high-fructose corn syrup) cause 184,000 deaths a year due to diabetes and heart disease. Fructose is worse than sugar (which is 50% glucose and 50% fructose) - fructose is just as horrible for diabetics. See death study at: Circulation, June 2015. And just as bad, in 2000, scientists in Israel documented how this consumption of fructose-sweetened beverages causes fatty liver disease. See disease study at: [Fructose-based] Soft drink consumption is associated with fatty liver disease, Journal of Hepatology, 2009. Those chocolates using fructose have about half-as-much fructose as disease-causing beverages. Fructose chocolates are just as horrible for the body.

Chocolate brand Serving (grams) Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
Franconia Praline (Pe) 100 36 47
Regimel Cacao en Polvo 100 3 65
Hershey's Syrup (Chocolate flavor) 39 0 20

Milk Chocolate - Slightly Less Unhealthier
     (80%-88% Sugar and Fat)
Average chocolate is >50% sugar

Chocolate brand Serving (grams) Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
Hershey Milk Chocolate 42 13 24 87%
(2% less than Nutella
4th most popular
- $250+ million
Hershey's Cookie Layer Crunch 40 13 19
(uses alkali)
Hershey York Peppermint Patty 40   3 26 73%  
Hershey Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate 37 12 19 84%  
Hershey Rolos 35   7 22 83%  
Hershey Spreads 37   12 19
(uses alkali)
Hershey Zero 52   8 31 75%  
Mars' M&M Chocolate Candies 45   9 28 82%
(most popular
- $400+ million
Mars' M&M Caramel Candies 40   7 26 82%  
Mars' 3 Musketeers Bar 47   4 35 83%  
Mars' Milky Way 40   7 24 77%  
Mars' Revels 42 8.82 26.46 84%  
Mondelez Cadbury Classic Dark 45 13 26 87%
(can't be dark?)
Mondelez Cadbury Flake 40 12.2 22.2 86%  
Mondelez Cadbury Caramilk 39 10 19 74%  
Mondelez Cadbury Milk Carmelo 40 9.8 21.8 79%  
Mondelez Premium Dark 38 11 20 87%  
Mondelez Cadbury Wispa 50 17 26 86%  
Mondelez Lacta Diamante Negro (Br) 25 6.1 16 88%  
Mondelez Lacta ao Liete (Br) 25 7.1 15 88%  
Mondelez Milka Alpine Milk 100 29 58 87%  
Mondelez Milka Extra Cocoa 50 18 24 84%  
Mondelez Milka Caramel Luflee 100 26.5 58.5 85%  
Mondelez Milka Oreo Chocolate Bar 100 33.5 47.5 81%  
Mondelez Neilson Jersey Milk (CA) 45 13 26 86%  
Mondelez Fry's Chocolate Cream 100 14.5 65.5 80%  
Nestle Aero Milk Truffle 33 10 18 85%  
Nestle Butterfinger PB Cups 42 14 22 86%  
Nestle Crunch 41 11 23 83%
Nestle Fresa 32 8.2 19 85%  
Nestle Munchies 50 11 28 78%  
Nestle Necasu Powder 20 0.4 15 77%  
Nestle Nesquik Powder 32 1 26 84%  
Nestle Princesa (Pe) 32 10.6 16 83%  
Nestle Raisinets 45 8 28 80%  
Nestle Smarties (~ M&Ms) 50 9.2 31.7 82%  
Nestle Smarties (CA) 15   2 11 86%  
Nestle Sublime 100 33 52 85%  
Nestle Sublime Extremo 100 33 53 86%  
Nestle Swiss Brut Dark 100 31 53 84%  
Nestle Triangula Sensation (Pe) 40 12.6 22.4 88%  
Astor Milk Chocolate 43 11 24 81%  
August Storck Merci (De) 38 14 18 84%  
Baker's Dipping 45 15 24 87%  
Belgian Chocolate Group Milk 20 5.9 11.6 88%  
Bissinger Milk (US) 43 15 19 84%  
Buckingham Palace Milk (UK) 50 18.1 24.9 86%  
Butlers Milk Chocolate (Ie) 100 33 53 86%  
Cacau Show Oceano (Br) 25 9 13 88%  
Cacau Show Ao Leite (Br) 25 9.2 12 85%  
Callebaut 32% Milk Callets 1 oz 10 15 88%  
Charlies Caramelized Crisped Rice Bar (US) 35 14 10 68%  
Cibo Express Creamy Milk 50 17 27 88%  
CNI's Jet Chocolate con Leche (Co) 30 11 15 87%  
Cook's/Sainsbury Milk (UK) 25 9.2 12.7 87%  
Cote d'Or Melk (Be) 43 13 23 84%  
Dolfin Melk (Be) 50 17 25 84%  
Domenico (Pe) 12.86 5.7 5.7 88%  
Divine Milk Chocolate 50 16 28 88%  
Droste Melk (Nl) 100 35 52 87%  
El Legado con Leche (CR) 50 16 28 88%  
Equal Exchange Organic Hot Cocoa 17   0 11 64%+  
Ferrero Noggy (Ec) 25   7 14 84%  
Frankonia Milk (De) 50 18 22 80%  
Galler Milk (Ch) 100 39 45 84%  
Gerrit Verburg "Fort Knox" Milk 40 11 24 88%  
Ghiradelli Double Hot Chocolate 35 1.5 27 81%  
Giandura Hazelnut Milk (It) 100 34 47 81%  
Godiva 31% Milk (Be) 40 13 20 82%  
Guitard 46% Semi-dark Chips 30   9 16 83%  
Gourmet Village Hot Chocolate Mix (US) 35 5 23 80%  
House of Dorchester (UK) 50 18 25 86%  
IBAC Bendito Cacao 52% (Br) 25 9 13 88%  
IBAC Bendito Cacao 65% (Br) 25 10 10 80%  
Innato Leche (Pe) 100 33.1 46.4 79.5%  
Ion Milk Sokolata (Gr) 100 31.5 51 82.5%  
Keurig Hot Chocolate (US) 15   3   8 73%  
Kopenhagen Amargo (Br) 25 10 11 84%  
La Iberca Fondy (Pe) 50 15 27 84%  
Lay's Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips (US) 56 18 24 75%  
Leonidas Choco Latte Dark 36 13 17 83%  
Leonidas Milk Chocolate 50 15.5 25 81%  
Lindt Lindor Milk (Ch) 50 22 22 88%  
Lindt Lindor Milk Truffles (Ch) 24 12   9 87.5%  
Lolli and Pops Milk (US) 43 13 24 86%  
Lugano Branco (Br) 25   8 14 88%  
Lugano ao Leite (Br) 25   8 13 84%  
McSteven's Chocolate Cocoa 35 2 26 80%  
Mecano Chocolate con Manjar (Pe) 38 10 22 84%  
Menrose Milkboy Milk (Ch) 40 14 20 85%  
Mighty Fine Milk Honeycomb (UK) 50 6.2 34.3 81%  
Montblanc 30% Cacao (Pe) 40 12 23 87%  
NECCO Sky Bar (US) 42 9 27 85%  
Neuhaus 32% Milk (Be) 50 16 25 82%  
Negusa White (Pe) 30 10 16 87%  
Negusa Bitter (Pe) 50 18 22 80%  
Nutkao Crema Cacao (It) 100 29.2 57 84%
(minus protein)
Orquidea Mild Dark (Pe) 45 18 20 84%  
Orquidea Dark (Pe) 45 20 18 84%  
Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream 50 16 27 86%  
Pacari (Ec) 40 24 8 80%  
Pasca 55% Semi-dark Chips (Pe) 30 10 14 80%  
Patchi (Lb) 40 16 16 80%  
Peccin Trento Chocolate (Br) 32 8 18 81%  
Penseys Hot Chocolate Mix 17 1 14 88%  
Prestat Milk (UK) 50 19 22 82%  
Ritter Sport Fine Milk (De) 50 18 26 88%  
Russell Stover Dark (US) 41 15 18 polyols
Russell Stover Milk (US) 57 18 31 86%  
Salt & Ayre 70% Cacao 35 12 17 83%  
Schogetten Dark (De) 25 7.8 13 83%  
Sillycow Farms 42   3 28
(uses alkali)
Skinny Girl Truffle 34 14 14 82%  
Sneaky Chef's Chocolate No-But Butter 36 13 11
(uses alkali)
Starbrook Milk & Hazelnut (US) 100 36 51 87%  
Starbucks Milk Chocolate 50 18 26 88%  
Storck Merci (De) 38 14 18 84%  
Storck Toffifay (De) 33 10 16 79%  
Sol de Cusco Hot Chocolate (Pe) 36   2 26 78%  
Sugarpova Milk (Po) 40 13 21 85%  
Supreme Chocolatier's Milk Chocolate 42.5 15 21 85%  
Trader Joes Chocolate Drops 40   9 25 85%  
Tony's Chocolonely Milk 50 16 26 84%  
Tutto Chocolate Leche (CR) 50 16 26 84%  
Wild Ophelia (Vosges) Crispy Rice (US) 56 19 27 86%  
Winter's Instant Chocolate (Pe) 36   2 28 83%  
Vanini Milk (It) 33 15 11 79%  

Chocolate Milk's Added Sugar

Chocolate Milk Brand Serving (ml) Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
Added Sugar (Grams)  
White 2% Low Fat Milk 240 5 12 0  
Alpin Leche Chocolate (Co) 240 29 17
(+ 140%)
Bataro ChocoMilk (Br) 240 0 36 24
(+ 200%)
Ensure Chocolate (US) 237 6 15
(uses alkali)
(+ 25%)
Hershey Low Fat Chocolate Milk (US) 240 2.7 30 18
(+ 150%)
Horizon Organic Low Fat Chocolate Milk 240 2.5 22 10
(+ 83%)
Kirkland Organic Low Fat Chocolate Milk (US) 244 5 26 14
(+ 117%)
Land O' Lakes 2% Chocolate Milk (US) 245 5 27 15
(+ 125%)
Nestle Nesquick Chocolate Milk 240 5 30 18
(+ 150%)
Nestle Nesquick Low Fat Chocolate Milk 240 2.5 22 10
(+ 83%)
(with alkali)
Odawalla Chocolate Milk Shake (US) 240 4.7 27 15
(+ 125%)
Parmalat Leche Chocolate (Co) 240 24 12
(+ 100%)
Pepsico Toddy Shake (Br) 240 5.7 29 17
(+ 141%)
Pepsico Toddynho Milk with Chocolate Flavor (Br) 240 6 29 17
(+ 140%)
Shaken Udder Chocolate Milk (UK) 240 7.2 27 15
(+ 125%)
TruMoo Low Fat Chocolate Milk (US) 240 4.5 32 10
(+ 83%)
Yazoo Chocolate Milk (UK) 240 3.6 22 15
(+ 125%)

Dark Chocolate - Slightly More Healthy
     (65%-80% Sugar and Fat)

Chocolate brand Serving (grams) Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
L'Amourette Carenero Bean 80% 31 12 8 64%  
Amano Artisan Dark 40 17 12 73%  
Astor Dark Chocolate 43 14 19 77%  
Baker's Semisweet 28 10 12 78%  
Bissingers Banana Pecan 43 15 18 77%  
Blanxart 71% Dark 30 14 9 77%  
Butlers Dark Chocolate 40 ??? ??? ???%  
William Curley Chocolate (UK) 40 ??? ??? ???%  
Cacao Campaka 25 13   2 60%  
Cacao Prieto 72% Dark 42.5 17 12 68%  
Cafe Tasse (Be) Noir 100 31 42 73%  
Callebaut Unsweet Callets 1 oz 15 0 53%  
Castronovo 60% Dark (US) 31 12   9 68%  
Castronovo 72% Dark (US) 31   7   9 52%  
Chocolat Alprose (Ch) 74% Dark 50 20 12 64%  
Chocolat Bonnat (Fr) 33 15   9 72%  
Chocolate Santander 53% (Co) 70 23 32 78%  
Chocolate Santander 65% (Co) 70 26 24 71%  
Chocolate Santander 70% (Co) 70 25 20 64%  
Cibo Express Deep Dark 72% 50 23 13 72%  
Cook's/Sainsbury Dark (UK) 25 9.6 10.9 82%  
Copper Monkey Dark 40 13 18 77%  
Cote d'Or Noir (Be) 43 15 19 79%  
Demets Turtles 50 15 23 76%  
Dolfin Noir (Be) 100 38 27 65%  
Divine Dark Chocolate 50 22 15 74%  
Dove Silky Smooth Dark 42 14 19 78%  
Droste Noir (Nl) 100 33 47 80%  
Eclat 70% Dark 28 11 10 75%  
Endangered Species 88% Dark 43 20 5 58%  
Equal Exchange 71% Dark 37 16 10 70%  
Fanny May 70% Dark 43 17 13 70%  
Frankonia Dark (De) 50 18 19 74%  
Frey Dark 78% 100 47 26 73%  
Frey Extra Fine Dark 100 34 44 78%  
Galler Noir (Ch) 100 42 27 69%  
Godiva 70% Dark (Be) 40 17 11 70%  
Gourmet Fields (CR) 82% 40 16 6 55%  
Green & Blacks Organic Dark 35 15 9 68%  
Green & Blacks Dark Cooking 50 21 14 70%  
Guiness Milk Caramel 45 12 23 78%  
Guitard 63% Extra-dark Chips 30 10 11 73%  
Hachez 88% Bitter 40 23 4 68%  
Hershey Dagoba 74% Dark 56 24 14 68%  
Hershey Special Dark 41 12 21 80%  
Hilliards Pure Rich Dark 64 21 28 76%
(uses alkali)
Imperial Jubileu Extra Noir 70% (Pt) 50 24 14 76%  
Ion Dark Sokolata (Gr) 100 19.7 53 72.7%  
Lake Champlain Dark 43 15 19 79%  
Leonidas Dark 100 39 27 66%  
Lindt 70% Dark (Ch) 40 19 12 78%  
Lindt 90% Dark Supreme (Ch) 40 22 3 62%  
Lolli and Pops Dark Sea Salt (US) 43 14 19 76%  
Maglio Extra Bitter 72% (It) 25 6 7 52%  
Magli Milk 25 5 13 72%  
Maranon Forunato 68% 50 21 15 72%  
Market Basket Premium Dark (US) 50 17 23 80%  
Mars' Bounty Dark Noir (US) 57 15 25 70%  
Mars' Milky Way Midnight Dark (US) 50 8 30 76%  
Mars' Snickers (US) 52.7 12 27 74%  
Menrose Milkboy 85% Dark (Ch) 40 20   5 62%  
Michel et Augustin Dark Cookie (Fr) 30.5 9 10 62%  
Nahua Milk (CR) 50 20 16 72%  
Nahua 70% Dark (CR) 50 20 16 72%  
Nestle Chunky (Ch) 39.6 11 21 81%  
Neuhaus 72% Dark (Be) 100 39.6 24.5 64%  
Neuhaus 52% Dark (Be) 100 33.2 42.5 76%  
Newman's Own 70% Dark (US) 48 21 12 69%  
NibMor 80% Dark 31 12   8 65%  
Nói Síríus Icelandic 56% (Is) 1.4 oz 9 18 68%  
Nói Síríus Icelandic 70% (Is) 1.4 oz 14 12 68%  
Nougat d'Or Dark Chocolate
w/ Maple Nougat (Ca)
50 15 24 78%  
Ombar Mylk (UK) 100 45 30 75%  
Ombar 71% "Raw Cacao" 100 44 25 69%  
Ovomaltine Dark Chocolate 50 15 22 74%  
Pana Chocolate "Raw Cacao" 45 21 10 69%  
Prestat Dark (UK) 50 24 8 64%  
Santander Chocolate Amargo (Co) 35 13 10 66%  
Scharffen Berger 82% Extra Dark 43 19 8 63%  
Schogetten Dark (De) 39 12 18 77%  
Seed and Bean Extra Dark 51 22 16 74%  
Starbucks Classic Hot Cocoa 42   6 26 76%
(uses alkali)
Starbucks Dark Chocolate 50 23 14 74%  
Stone Ground 85% 42 20 5 63%  
Stone Ground 60% 42 15 16 77%  
Sugar Mamas 75% 22 13 4 77%  
Swiss Miss Dark Hot Chocolate 35 3.5 19 64%  
TCHO 65% Dark 35 15 12 77%  
TCHO 53% Milk 35 14 11.5 73%  
Theo Chocolate 70% Organic 42 16 12 66%  
Trader Joe's 73% Super Dark 42 17 11 66%  
Trader Joe's 72% Belgian Dark 38 17 10 71%  
Valrhona Noir Extra Amer (Fr) 40 20 5 63%  
Valrhona Noir Amer (Fr) 40 17 12 73%  
Vivani 85% Cocoa 42 22 6 61%  
Vosges Black Salt Caramel 43 14 17 72%  
Vosges 62% Ceylon Caramel 35 10 15 71%  

Chocolates using Stevia/Maltitol
     (still 50%-60% Sweeteners and Fats)

Chocolate brand Serving (grams) Fat (grams)
50-80 grams
daily - AHA
Sugar (grams)
20-40 grams
daily - AHA
Cavalier Belgium Milk 100 36 21
Chocolate Stella Milk 100 31 41
Dante Dark 45 24 stevia 53%  
Guylian 54% Dark 40 14 17
Hershey Special Dark Sugar-free 40 13 17
Lily Dark 40 15 6
Purelove 28 17 stevia 61%  
Simply Lite Dark 25 8 11
Stella Chocolate Dark 100 32 33
Stivii 40 13 8
Valor Chocolate Puro w/almonds 50 20 9
Virginia's Chocolate con Leche 100 39 7 - sugar
42 - maltitol

In short, it is time that the chocolate industry eliminates all uses of sugars and artificial sweeteners (which have their health dangers as well).

Contact KukaXoco via email or 415-981-0441 (U.S.)